Friday, April 27, 2012

Moving to Guam, Part 1- Packout:

Guam! I am still somewhat in shock that I am actually on a small tropical island in the middle of the vast Pacific on the far side of the world...
Packing out our things went fairly well, considering. It went in three sections. First, our non-temporary storage- stuff like my bench from the old Bear River church, all Christmas decorations, most of my books (sniff), etc. About 3000 pounds. Second, our household goods- the things going with us to Guam. About 7000 pounds. Third, our “express” shipment- the things we want most quickly. A pot, a pan, clippers so I can cut B's hair, baby swing and walker, my beloved double jogging stroller... 275 pounds. The jury is still out on how “express” that shipment is. It got picked up on March 28th, and still no sign, so.....
Quick note: when we moved from Virginia to Florida our things took up the entire allotted weight of 14000 pounds, plus what we carried in the truck and car, so I think I am to be congratulated on getting rid of stuff!  My friend Sarah convinced me that we needed to have a garage sale, which we did. I made over $80, which is noteworthy only because I sold almost everything for a quarter. Hopefully in the future I will always think before I buy, so that I can avoid so much... accumulation! Part of lightening our load for the big move was selling my old truck Betsy. My faithful friend and companion for 20 years, well over half my life. It was hard! But the guy who bought her was very excited about having a truck, and has two little boys.

The packing process took the best part of a week.  I had wonderful friends and the best neighbors ever who took in my girls while I was busy.  The hardest part was saying goodbye to them!

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