Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Pandemic, Part 4...

Late on the Friday night Miss M was struggling with her stomach illness, the base commander came out with a shelter in place order.  This was... problematic, because he did it with no warning, and after the commissary and other stores were already closed.  So, thankfully, of course we were just fine.  We had plenty of anything we could need for a fairly long while.  But there were many, I'm sure, who were not counting on a stretch of no shopping availability.

I took pictures of the girls' room for someone moving here.  It is rarely so tidy...

Miss M was doodling while I talked on the phone with my sister, and wanted a picture taken to send to Aunt L.  It is sakura season, although we can't go out to enjoy it really...

Having a townhouse with a backyard has been such a huge blessing.  During those first shelter in place days we all spent a lot of time in our yard.  I'm happy for my bad habit of spending lots of money and time redoing every temporary yard we have.
 I don't have a lot of tulips, but the ones I did plant stayed around and blooming for a very long time.
 This is a corylopsis bush.  It was the only plant already in our yard when we moved it.  It puts on quite a show in the spring!  It has bright pink bracket things, and then the leaves origami out.
 Daydream, my favorite tulip...
 Hellebores do very well here.
 And columbine.
 I got a tiny cherry tree last year for $4 at the nex.  It looked pretty rough, but I amazoned some fruit tree fertilizer last fall, and it is doing great so far this year.
Our little front bed is full of mini daffodils.  They aren't mini enough to fit in the mini garden theme, but they're so cheerful I don't mind.

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