Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sandinavia Unit: Poetry...

This one is going to be a bit more challenging.  When I did my basic google search, after much wading, I came up with this, from The Song of the Valkyries, by Darra Tharlioth:

Is this web woven and wound of entrails,
and heavy weighted with heads of slain;
are blood-bespattered spears the treadles,
iron-bound the beams, the battens,7 arrows:
let us weave with our swords this web of victory!

I don't think I want my small children memorizing this?

But then I found THE Finnish epic poem, the Kalevala.  It's long.  I skimmed through and found some lines that I really like.  Here they are:

Well will you get there, prettily you'll tread:
Over moon, under sun, and through the stars of hope.
One day's flight a-winging, to the brows of the moon.
Thence a second a-swimming, to the shoulders of the Great Bear,
The third even higher a-rising, to the back of the seven stars;
From there it's only a short trip, the tiniest tidbit,
To reach the holy God, to the dwellings of the blessed.

Isn't that pretty?  Go Finland.

Here is Miss A's:
And here is Miss M's.

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