Oh, and a note to start. I'm very grateful to the show Irasshai, found here, which was done by Georgia public tv, and is a really excellent Japanese language and culture course. I have only watched a couple episodes, but enough to get an explanation of how to pronounce Japanese vowels, which makes reading the names in these books much more enjoyable...
This one is one of our favorites:
Such a wonderful story, charming illustrations, and tells why those cats are everywhere.
This was one of my favorites when I was little. Why did my mom have this? It seems like a rather exotic book to be on the basement shelf of a home in small town Utah... Well, whatever, I'm glad!
The girls really liked it. And it has a great lesson, as all good stories do.
Also this:
The girls really enjoyed it.
You have to love a strong girl character. Although the image of giants hungering for navels is fairly disturbing.
Also we "watched" two books on hoopla, which is provided by one of our libraries.
Crow Boy was so good. A perfect story.
We've read so many wonderful stories, thanks to our libraries' excellent 398.2 sections! Here are some:
This one was ok. I didn't really like that the lazy boy got his way, but at least he ended up with a job?
This was a sweet story.
Good moral.
We own this one, and I like it. Daily life details, pretty illustrations.
Miss M really liked this one for some reason. She read it to me, her dad, her sisters. It is a good story about respecting elders.
What a depressing story! The usual good story about greed, and I guess it's refreshing that everything doesn't end up all rosy in the end. The poor girl though. She's probably better off without him.
These were great for general info. Able to be easily read by Miss M to her sister in one little sitting, small enough to not bore Miss R.
Grab your tissues for this next one. It may have been a bit heavy for us...
But I am glad we talked about the internment camps, since that is such an important, shameful part of our history. I had both big girls crying when I explained what happened to them. So hopefully that means they'll remember?
Another about internment camps. Still pathetically sad, and good.
And on a more cheerful note, this one was good.
Did you know it's good luck to see a bee fly out of someone's nose?
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